My love for painting all began when my father gave me a paint brush and told me I could paint my bedroom closet. I can still remember that novel feeling putting paint to surface—oddly joyful. Growing up I continued to take joy in drawing my toys, airplanes and secretly watching Bob Ross on Saturdays between sports on TV.

Little did I know or even want to admit through my young adult life that art was important. Despite that, I went to Sheridan College for Art Fundamentals and then Illustration but dropped out due to lack of focus. So I did this and that, trying to find passion in the things I was doing but never doing any job very well. In my late 20’s I found myself working as a recruiter. Interviewing hundreds of people showed me how others found success in their respective disciplines; 1. Do something you enjoy 2. train and work hard at it; 3.Keep learning more no matter your age. I finally was ready to accept that I enjoyed painting, I enjoyed art and I was ready to work at it. And boy it still isn’t easy…and that’s alright too.

At the ripe age of 32 years I left recruiting and applied to the Art Education program at Concordia University in Montreal. There I thrived, taking my education as seriously as any professional role I had in the past. Studying in the Fine Arts department and working at a local art store I surrounded myself with art and my fellow peers were inspiring to be around. After graduation the personal challenges to find work and forge on as a painter were difficult. I moved around finding work as a labourer in construction and painting residential properties.

In 2016 I joined Gutterbird Studios (Toronto), a shared artist work space originally founded by Francis and Adrienne Dagg.    I was invited to take over management in January of 2017 and I re-branded the studio with the ideas and input of the other studio members.  Together, we formed Carlaw Collective (2017 - 2018)  and Mere Gallery. There, I worked to foster a lively and respectful creative work space filled with dynamic artists moving towards their own artistic goals.  As well, I aspired to connect with other community organizations and have volunteered my time with St-James town arts and Toronto Arts Council. Unfortunately, in October of 2017 we choose to disband due to rental increases for the space.

From 2018 to October 2021, my primary focus was on renovating an old home in the east end of Toronto. But I found breaks of time to complete a few commissions and paint smaller works from my basement cave studio. When the pandemic arrived I was fortunate enough to have that basement cave to continue painting while work in residential painting and daycare for my daughter was put on hold. Painting smaller works at accessible prices will continue to be apart of my studio practice.

October 2021, my wife and I relocated our family to Clarksburg, Ontario. A glorious small town located in the Town of the Blue Mountains on the Georgian Bay, with its rolling landscapes and ever changing weather I have access to big dynamic skies and open vistas. A studio space in the garage will be my main office but I am acquiring the right tools to paint “ plein air” and look forward to paint outside to take full advantage of this beautiful region of Ontario.